Halloween – How To Draw… A Ghost!
HellooOOOOooo and welcome to my lair of spooky sketching fun. Mwahahahaaaar!
What better way to get in the Halloween mood than to do some doodlin’. Each Saturday leading up to the 31st, we’ll have a new step-by-step drawing activity on the blog. If you missed last week’s, you can see it here: How to Draw… A Bat!
So let’s sharpen those pencils and put on a spooky tune. I think Ray Parker Jr.’s Ghostbusters will do nicely today, but if you prefer some peace and quiet while drawing, that’s fine too!
Let’s get cracking…
Hurray! You drew a pumpkin ghost! You could re-create this picture in lots of different ways. How about trying white and orange paint on a black piece of card? Or cutting the shapes out of coloured paper and making a collage?
I’d love to see your pictures! To share them, use the hashtag #ImproperHalloween.
Next week our drawing gets a bit more detailed. Here’s a sneaky peek of what’s in store…
See you next Saturday!
NIGHT POST, by Benjamin Read & Laura Trinder, is currently available in the United Kingdom thanks to supporting shops, and is due for a US/International release on the 9th December 2015, via Diamond Comics (Diamond Code: OCT151509).
Laura Trinder is a freelance illustrator, bookseller, and co-founder of Improper Books. Her days consist of reading, recommending, and creating books, which for a book-lover isn’t half bad. As a member of the Improper Books studio, she is working on comics and picture books for younger readers. NIGHT POST is her first venture into the world of sequential art.