Halloween – How To Draw… A Bat!
Hello! Laura here!
If you haven’t guessed from my work on Night Post, I absolutely love Autumn and all things Halloween, so to celebrate, I’m going to be doing a How To Draw… post on the blog each Saturday. Each one will feature a different spooky character, with a step-by-step process on how to draw them.
So sharpen your pencils, put on Monster Mash for some mood music, and get creative! Hurray!
Yay, you drew a bat! A group of bats is called a colony. Why don’t you give your bat some friends and draw a whole colony of bats? You could draw fat bats, thin bats, HUGE bats, colourful bats, baby bats, lady bats, or chilly bats with jumpers on!
I’d love to see your drawings. Share them with me on twitter or instagram with the hashtag #ImproperHalloween
Before you go, here’s a little sneak peek of what we’ll be drawing next Saturday…
Have a spooky week!
NIGHT POST, by Benjamin Read & Laura Trinder, is currently available in the United Kingdom thanks to supporting shops, and is due for a US/International release on the 9th December 2015, via Diamond Comics (Diamond Code: OCT151509).
Laura Trinder is a freelance illustrator, bookseller, and co-founder of Improper Books. Her days consist of reading, recommending, and creating books, which for a book-lover isn’t half bad. As a member of the Improper Books studio, she is working on comics and picture books for younger readers. NIGHT POST is her first venture into the world of sequential art.