Creators: Matt Gibbs (Writer) & Sara Dunkerton (Illustrator)
Letters: Jim Campbell
Editor: Luke Foster

ISBN: 978-1-4733-2695-8 (Issue #1), 978-1-4733-2696-5 (Issue #2), 978-1-4733-2697-2 (Issue #3), 978-1-4733-2698-9 (Issue #4)
Diamond Code: FEB171731 (Issue #1), FEB171732 (Issue #2), FEB171733 (Issue #3), SEP171705 (Issue #4)
RRP: USD $6.99 / CAN $8.99 / GBP £4.99

Format: full colour; 32 pages; soft cover,
176mm width x 250mm height

Twitter: @MULPcomic

MULP is an anthropomorphic comic book, a Pulp adventure set in a world of mice, by Matt Gibbs & Sara Dunkerton.

The Sceptre of the Sun follows the exploits of Jack Redpath and Vicky Jones as they attempt to unravel a mystery surrounding an ancient stone tablet unearthed during an archaeological excavation in Egypt. This tablet is the first marker on an adventure that sees them racing around the world in search of a legendary treasure. Joined by their friends Cornelius Field, Prof. Walter Harvest-Scott, and Elisabeth Harvest-Scott, together they must prevent a powerful artefact falling into unscrupulous paws.

Suitable for all ages, MULP: The Sceptre of the Sun is being published in five parts, and began with the first in 2014.

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Available to buy or order from all good comic shops.

Issue #1 available digitally via: Amazon Kindle, iBooks, SEQUENTIAL (iPad App), and Payhip (PDF).

Issue #2 available digitally via: Amazon Kindle, iBooks, SEQUENTIAL (iPad App), and Payhip (PDF).


“This has all the elements of a classic kids’ adventure like TINTIN itself: secrets and experts and exotic locations; infiltration, reputation and ducking for cover.” Stephen L. Holland (Page 45)

“The issue fair flies by, setup quickly passes to action, a shooting, a crash, intrigue, secrets, ancient artifacts, a femme fatale, musclebound goons, a mysterious evil genius lurking in the shadows… oh yes, a lot in here.” Richard Bruton (FPI Blog)

“It’s an extremely clever, well rounded story they’ve built here, one that isn’t beholden to its influences but also isn’t embarrassed by them.” Alasdair Stuart (

“Most anthropomorphic adventure series, such as Rupert Bear or Bryan Talbot’s Grandville series, take their characters as human analogues to the extent that they are human size, MULP does not – in MULP the mice really are mice sized.” Jeremy Briggs (

“Full of fisticuffs, stunts, and epic derring-do this is fast paced adventuring that’s suitable for children of all ages.” Dad/Charlotte (Read It Daddy!)