Author: mattgibbs
In the news
We’ve all been head down recently, busily working on both Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale and Butterfly Gate, plus a number of projects we’re planning to announce in the next couple of months, but we’ve had a fair smattering of positive articles and podcasts mentioning our work recently, highlights include: We were featured in Starburst […]
SPBM #38 interview
Benjamin Read and Chris Wildgoose had the opportunity to chat with Stacey Whittle of Small Press Big Mouth at Bristol Comic Expo. The interview covers not only our launch and plans for the future, but Ben and Chris’ books, Butterfly Gate and Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale. You can listen online or download Stace’s interview […]
Bristol Comic Expo 2012
We had a great time at Bristol Comic Expo. There was great enthusiasm, diversity and vibrancy amongst the indie publisher and small press tables at the show, and with the gorgeous weather, Brunel’s Old Station felt light and less cramped than the hotels of previous years. Our previews of Butterfly Gate and Porcelain: A Gothic […]
On the table at Bristol
It’s the Bristol Comic Expo this weekend, May 12-13th, 2012, and it’s the first event we’ll be attending as Improper Books. Joining the other creators and exhibitors in the Brunel Old Station, will be Benjamin Read, Laura Trinder, Chris Wilgdoose, Bevis Musson and Matt Gibbs. Over the weekend, Benjamin and Chris will be signing a […]
Bristol Comic Expo
We’re attending our first convention, the Bristol Comic Expo on May 12-13th, 2012, and we’ll have a limited run of B&W previews of Butterfly Gate: Beginnings and the first part of Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale with us. Both books are the work of Benjamin Read and Chris Wildgoose, and have a dark, fairy tale […]
This is in some respects the start for us. Although Ben, Chris and Laura have been working on Improper Books for a while, this is the first time their and all our hard work is going public. After first collaborating together on the set of UK independent feature WARHOUSE, the trio discovered a mutual love […]