Thought Bubble 2014, thanks and free downloads
Thank you! To everyone who stopped at our table at Thought Bubble in Leeds last weekend, to chat or to pick up our comics and books. A huge thank you to Lisa, Martha, Clark and Nabil, and all the organisers and volunteers for their help and for putting on such an amazing convention. The atmosphere this year was infectious, buzzing with energy and positivity. All of us Improper folk had a brilliant time.
If you couldn’t make Thought Bubble, limited UK indie editions of Benjamin Read & Laura Trinder’s Night Post are available from supporting shops.
We were also giving away a Free previews of Benjamin Read & Chris Wildgoose’s Porcelain: Bone China. Out in 2015, more than a decade has passed since the events of Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale, and Child has become Lady. Inheritor of all of Uncle’s secrets and wealth, she has continued his work.
You can also download a PDF version of the Bone China preview.
Thank you again for a wonderful weekend. Hope to see you next year.